Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022

Peralanan Pendidikan Nasional

    Pendidikan menurut Ki Hajar Dewantara (Bapak Pendidikan Inonesia) ialah tuntutan di dalam hidup tumbuhnya anak-anak, adapun maksudnya, pendidikan yaitu menuntun segala kekuatan kodrat yang ada pada anak-anak itu, agar mereka sebagai manusia dan sebagai anggota masyarakat dapatlah mencapai keselamatan dan kebahagiaan setinggi-tingginya (Sugiarta et al., 2019). Pendidikan merupakan tempat untuk mengamalkan dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang dapat diwariskan atau diwariskan. Ki Hajar Dewantara mengingatkan perlunya menyaring pengaruh luar dengan tetap mengedepankan kearifan sosial budaya lokal Indonesia. Beliau juga menjelaskan bahwa kita harus melayani siswa kita. Tujuan ini adalah tujuan utama untuk mendidik para peserta didik (Zuliati, 2018). Sama dengan filosofi pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara dalam pengembangan budi pekerti (olah cipta, olah karya, olah karsa, dan olah raga) yang terpadu menjadi satu kesatuan. Zainuddin (2021) mengatakan tentang hasil positif yang sesuai dengan pemikiran KHD yaitu tentang prinsip kepmimpinan sebagai seorang guru yaitu; (1) Ing ngarso sung tuladho (maka orang tua atau guru sebagai suri tauladan anak dan siswa), (2) Ing madya mangun karso (yang ditengah memberikan semangat ataupun ide-ide yang mendukung), (3) Tut wuri handayani (yang dibelakangan memberikan motivasi
        Menilik prinsip-prinsip pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara, perjalanan pendidikan nasional di Indonesia tidak bisa dilupakan. Padahal, pada masa penjajahan Belanda, pendidikan pada awalnya hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat Belanda di Indonesia. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, pendidikan digunakan sebagai alat kolonial untuk menghasilkan tenaga kerja murah atau pegawai rendahan yang dibutuhkan untuk perdagangan Belanda (Prayudi & Salindri, 2015). Seiring beralannya waktu, Indonesia merdeka dari Koloni. Fokus utama pendidikan nasional ketika Indonesia lepas dari penjajahan yaitu mencerdaskan dan meningkatkan kualitas serta kemampuan bangsa. Tujuan sebenarnya dari pendidikan zaman kemerdekaan adalah untuk mengisi tata kehidupan dan pembangunan. Tujuan tersebut mengalami kendala, yaitu penjajah Belanda ingin menjajah kembali sehingga memaksa kita kembali berjuang secara politik dan fisik serta adanya kendala dari dalam yaitu pergolakan politik (Widiani, 2020). Dangu et al. (2022) menejelaskan bahwa pendidikan pada masa kemerdekaan walaupun dalam keadaan sulit tetapi tetap mampu menghasilkan produk hukum tentang pendidikan, yaitu Undang- undang pendidikan Nomor 4 tahun 1950. Undang-Undang Pokok Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (UUPP) No. 4 Tahun 1950 merupakan salah satu kebijakan pendidikan pada periode awal kemerdekaan. Penelitian terkait dengan sejarah analisis kebijakan pendidikan. 
        Pada abad ke-21 Teknologi membawa warna baru bagi dunia pendidikan. Guru dan siswa harus mengikuti perkembangan zaman (Zubaidah, 201). Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran ini harus disajikan dengan cara yang paling menarik dengan menggunakan teknologi untuk mempercepat proses pembelajaran. Selain itu, proses pembelajaran harus mampu menggiring siswa untuk menguasai 4C, yaitu keterampilan sebagai keputusan untuk mempertimbangkan masa depan mereka (Ahmadi & Ibda, 2019). Dengan demikian, guru harus mampu memenuhi kebutuhan belajar siswa tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu dengan strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan keadaan yang ada. Di abad 21 ini, Dzuddaroin (2019) memaparkan bahwa yang kita butuhkan adalah guru yang tidak hanya mahir menggunakan teknologi, tetapi juga menjaga pesona, wibawa, dan kepribadiannya yang luar biasa sehingga dapat menjadi panutan, sumber, dan sumber daya. Demikian pula dalam hal proses pendidikan, guru di abad 21 harus beradaptasi dengan zaman perencanaan, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan penilaian, pengajaran dan pelatihan serta pelaksanaan tugas-tugas lainnya. Pada dasarnya kreativitas dan inovasi merupakan kebutuhan guru di abad 21. Seiring berjalannya waktu, sebagai guru, kita juga harus berusaha untuk mengembangkan diri menjadi guru yang profesional (Syahputra, 2018). Tidak hanya mengajar tetapi juga belajar. Oleh sebab itu, saya akan saya lakukan ketka sudah berhadapan dengan peserta didik dan situasi nyata disekolah, saya akan menggunakan semua prinsip Ki Hajar Dewantara yang akan diimbangi dengan mengimplementasikan kurikulum merdeka.


Sugiarta, I. M., Mardana, I. B. P., & Adiarta, A. (2019). Filsafat Pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara (Tokoh Timur). Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia2(3), 124-136.

Zulfiati, H. M. (2018). Sistem Among Ki Hajar Dewantara Dalam Pendidikan Karakter Di Sekolah Dasar. In Jurnal Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Muhamamdiyah Cirebon (pp. 311-322).

Zainuddin, Z. (2021). Konsep Pendidikan Budi Pekerti Perspektif Ki Hadjar Dewantara. KABILAH: Journal of Social Community6(1), 8-25.

Prayudi, G. M., & Salindri, D. (2015). Pendidikan Pada Masa Pemerintahan Kolonial Belanda Di Surabaya Tahun 1901-1942 (Education on Dutch Government in Surabaya At 1901-1942). Publika Budaya3(1), 20-34.

Widiani, N. (2020). Progresivisme Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Terhadap Siswa (Analisis Sejarah Periode Pendidikan Di Indonesia). PINTU: Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu1(1).

Dangu, A. S., Sumarjiana, I. K. L., & Anto, R. (2022). Sejarah Pendidikan Indonesia Awal Kemerdekaan Tahun 1945-1950. Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian3(2), 4717-4722.

Zubaidah, S. (2019). Memberdayakan keterampilan abad ke-21 melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek. In Seminar Nasional Nasional Pendidikan Biologi (pp. 1-19).

Ahmadi, F., & Ibda, H. (2019). Konsep dan aplikasi literasi baru di era revolusi industri 4.0 dan society 5.0. CV. Pilar Nusantara.

Dzuddaroin, F. (2019). Konsep Kepemimpinan Kharismatik dalam Penanganan Resistensi Santri di Pondok Pesantren Daarul Falah Serang Banten (Doctoral dissertation, Institut PTIQ Jakarta).

Syahputra, E. (2018). Pembelajaran abad 21 dan penerapannya di Indonesia. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Teknologi Humaniora dan Pendidikan (QSinastekmapan) (Vol. 1).

Jumat, 12 April 2019

Finally, summary.

HCMC University of Technology and Education in my opinion is a good University in Vietnam, it may be because it is my first visit to Vietnam and just stay in HCMUTE for my teaching practicum. Students of this university are great, they can welcome new people very well with their diversity. While, This University has good management how to handle all exchange students that is giving the best service to what student’s need and accommodation. My teaching practicum here runs really well, with a great team and incredible supervisor who guided me for everything in my teaching practicum. Such an honor for me to learn more about to be a good teacher in this university. What I want for the next time is that, I hope there will be next batch from my home university to have the teaching practicum again in HCMUTE, and I hope they will do so much better than me.

Teaching Practicum starts

First of all, here I have my teaching practicum schedule;
March 11th 2019
ESP : Recruitment, Selection, And Training Of Workers – Unit 8

March 12th 2019
GE3 : Four corners 3 – Unit 10A
March 18th 2019
GE : Four Corners 3 – Unit 10B

            I have three times of teaching, 2 for General English and 1 for ESP. The teaching activity has been shown before this article on a lesson plan. I conducted many activities for every subject, which has been consulted to my own supervisor, Ms. Le Thi Thanh Ha who has already guided me since the first I start the process of my PPL in HCMUTE. Also, she always give me very good and clear feedback on my teaching practicum. Such as;
My supervisor said that, I am confidence enough to teach students, but sometimes I am too thigh and have too serious facial expression which can make students uncomfortable.  I couldn’t give clear instruction for students to do the activity in the class, however it really influences the teaching and learning process.  My supervisor also says that I have loud voice which can be categorized as the strength, and it can be used to attract student’s attention to listen and see teacher explanations. Then, many things that should be improved from my teaching performance is that on how I can give clear instructions for students to do their activity and keep smiling to face students.  Also, the way how to check students understanding should be improved by always practicing to make questions for students to answer. This is really important to know and make sure that all students have understood what is asked by teacher for students to do. Sometimes, providing situations is really important to help students to understand new vocabularies, which in this part a teacher should be master in explaining the situation of each words with easy way. At last, the important thing that should be improved is that how to always elicit answer from students by asking some questions that should be prepared before coming to the class.  

Have a Good Plan

10th of April 2019
Before conducting the teaching practice, the first thing that I do is observation. Observation is activity to observe something to know the situation in that place. In this activity, I observe some teachers and student teacher. Every teacher has their own style in teaching the students. By doing observation, I can know the best way to teach students, (manage the class, using appropriate method, giving feedback, reinforcement, and use appropriate instructional media), know some characteristics of the students, (what they need and what they do not need), and the environment in the class. I can learn so much from this observation. Next is making lesson plan. Lesson plan is very important in teaching. Lesson plan is used as reference to carry out teaching activities to be more focused, run effectively and efficiently. In other words, the lesson plan acts as a scenario for the teaching process. In lesson plan there are several things that very important, such as the objectives of lesson plan, the method that will be used, and the teaching aids. The lesson plan can also help the teacher if the teacher forgets the activities and for students it will make them able to understand all of the lesson. Before I make lesson plan, I have to understand the lesson first and after that try to make the plan for the teaching. From the observation, I can know the students’ characteristic. So that I can choose the best method for students and also use appropriate instructional media. Next is instructional media. This media refers to the power point with the audio. Before teach students, I make the teaching materials and also with the power point. I make the teaching materials as simple as possible and put on ppt. Using power point in teaching will make students easier to understand about the lesson and also easier for the teacher to explain the material. The audio will help students in listening practice. Next is mental. I prepared the mental because this is my first time in teaching English for foreign students. The last is prepared the rewards for the students. This reward will be used as thing to make students more active than before. In other words, will increase their activeness.
Here I try to show you how my lesson plan performance is;


Supervisor:          Ms. Le Thi Thanh Ha
Student teacher: Diah Intan Hani Ananda

-         Class profile: Non-English majored students.
-         Student’s level: Pre - Intermediate
-         Number of students: 50
-         Allotted time:  70 minutes
-         Date and time: 19th of March 2019
-         Material: Richards, J.C. & Bohlke, D. (2013). Four Corners Student’s Book 3. Cambridge University Press.
-         Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
o   Give advise against something
o   Consider advise
-         Teaching aids: Laptop, TV, speakers, board, chalk and hand-outs.
-         Teaching approach: CLT (Communicative Language Teaching)
-         Anticipated problems:
o   Students may not understand the meaning of some new words.
o   Some students may hesitate to join in-class activities.
o   Students may not understand the instruction of the activities.
-         Possible solutions:
o   Provide some difficult phrase and vocabulary that may appear in the listening.
o   Divide and group sudents in the class appropriately and deliver certain tasks for each group to complete.
o   Make the instructions clearer by giving some examples, and check their understanding of the instructions.

-         Procedure:
Stages’ aims




- T leads students to recognize some words that may appear in the listening the audio.
- T provides some vocabularies and phrases that students may don’t understand the meaning and it’s pronunciation. Those are;
1. quit /kwit/ = leave (a place), usually permanently.
2. recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/=  to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose
3. charge /tʃɑːrdʒ/ = to ask an amount of money for something.

-T leads into the listening.
-T goes over instruction and sentences.
-T predicts for Ss the impossible answers.

-It helps Ss develop skills in listening for main ideas and details.



25 minutes

Listening part A:
- T requires students to read all sentences on part A
- T provides hints by asking some questions which can make students predict the answer from the listening session.
“who think she need to get a full time job?”
“who think she wants to take more classes?”
-T plays the audio at once for the first time.
-T asks Ss to listen carefully and find the problem for each number of the conversation in student’s book.
- T asks students to volunteer to share their anwer for part A in the class.

Listening part B
-T goes over instruction
- T asks students to predict what advise that is probably given by Tim for his friends with those problems?
- T explain the way how to listen to the audio and get the right anwer.
- T informs about some sentence that can be the keyword to find the answer, such as;
“I think…”
“I don’t think…”
- T asks students to find the recommendation sentence for each problem in Part A.
-T plays audio for the second time.
-T invites some Ss to share their answers to the class.
-T goes over the answers with class and listen one more time to the audio and find the evidence.


PowerPoint slides

15 minutes

Post - listening

Activity 1
- T asks studenst to find their partner
- T provides handout for all of students to do with their pairs.
- the handout consists of three problems and Ss should ask their pair to share their opinion about what advice would they give for each problem, write down the advice on the handout and also give advice for friends in 10 minutes.

- the, T asks students volunteer to share what their pair advice for each problem in front of the class.
- T asks some other students to repeat what have been said by the volunteer before.

-Ss can give recommendation of other people problem.

-Ss improve speaking skills.

Powerpoint slides

20 minutes
Speaking Practice
Activity 2
- T devides students in to 5 groups
- each group will be given A0 paper
- T goes over the instructions.
- Students should make a dialogue on the big paper of giving recommendation based on the clue that will be given by teacher for each group.
- T provides example of the dialogue which uses expression of advising against something and considering advise.
- One person from each group should take one envelope to have the clue in making the dialogue.
- T requires students to write a dialogue by using the phrases of giving and considering advice/recommendation in 10 minutes.
- T asks students for each group to share their work in front of the class. 

- Exercise for speaking by using the expressions of advising against something and considering advise.


Name: ……………………………………………………………
Imagine your friends wants to do the things below. What advice would you give?
1.      Your friends wastes his time to play video game too much. He always get up late in the morning, and can’t go to school on time!

2. Your friend has planned to go to the beach with her classmate this weekend. Suddenly, her mother also invites her to go to grandmother’s house!

3. Your friend often forget everything. Such as to do homework, task, deadline, etc.